I love the 5 Calls app and am gonna try and get into the habit of using that this next week too! (Glad you got yo-self some snacks ; )

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I really appreciate that we're all talking about these things here, so thanks, Phil, for helping that happen.

I want to give one update from "my list of things" that really touched me. My Mom is one of my biggest and deepest examples about how a person can change and shift. The biggest example of this is simply our relationship which was very challenged and strained when I was younger and is now flourishing at a level I never thought could be possible. Anyway, she has always been an avid Fox news watcher, and she voted for ahem -- him -- but I also want to add that when I did what I shared I would do here -- that is, post every day, a Black, disabled mover and shaker of history on social media in honor of Black history month -- she has commented twice on how valuable and important this is, and also called me and left a message saying, "I am loving all of your articles for Black history month." They're not articles, just posts, but Boomers. :) Anyway, that really touched me.

My list this week:

-- Don't doomscroll, and share that Ezra Klein video "Don't Believe Him" to some people. This is just one perspective, and not the full perspective, because goodness knows, the cartoon villains who are very real can and are doing some serious damage. But I also think there's something to this. If we acquiesce, we are giving him so much more power.

-- Listen to the Up First NPR podcast, and reach out to people who may be directly impacted by these news stories shared. Add encouragement and when needed, tangible support.

-- Buy extra food and keep it at home (for now) until someone needs it, and then donating it when its due date is coming closer.

-- Keep posting those Black History Month "Articles"

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As always, I appreciate your unflagging sincerity and just…uncomplicated, humble, enduring goodness in writing this newsletter. Thank you for sharing and for giving your readers some ideas for what to do.

I have to say I am really, really scared and worried about the way trans issues have been picked up as THE culture wars–y issue, THE keystone for all kinds of arguments about the young being led astray, undesirable people preying on the public (I do think there are people actively causing harm to others, but I wouldn't say it is the very small minority of trans people whose rights, I feel, are not infringing upon other people's lives)…so thank you for sharing the Harm Reduction Toolkit project, which I hadn't come across before but seems very useful now.

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